Friday, 12 March 2010

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

In a previous post I showed the audience feedback from putting it on facebook. We also put it on YouTube, so we could gain a wide rand of feedback, and if the feed back came from people that didn't know us it may be more critical and will help us understand how good our music video came out. Unfortunately no one commented on the video, this limited our audience feedback.

On my Facebook I put comment in my status, which contained the website you could find my online survey. I feel if i put it on Facebook it would be more likely people would complete it.

The link to my online survey is:-

20 people completed the online survey.

The questions where :-

1). Are you male or female?

2). How old are you?

3). On a scale of one to ten what would you rate my video (one being the lowest).

4). What was the best parts of the music video?

5). What type of music do you normally listen to?

6). Would you buy the song?

7). What was your overall reaction to the video

8). any other questions.

all the audience feedback was positive, unfortunately I didn't get a lot therefore i wouldn't compare, but I did receive comments on Facebook which I have put on here. I feel this adds up for the lack of response from other people.

From all my audience feedback i have noticed that every one loved the music video and really enjoyed watching it. From this i feel that the music video was very successful and the overall effect I was trying to get across was successful. I am very pleased with the feedback.#

I did want to use wordle, which is a program where you put your audience feedback in and it picks out all the most used words. You can use colour and it arranges the words in a pretty way. Unfortunately my computer would not allow me to do it.

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