Friday, 12 March 2010

In terms of theory......

I will now evaluate my video in terms of the theory we have learnt:-
  • Laura Mulvey
  • Propp
  • Todorov
  • Levi-Stauss
  • Abstract
  • Effects Model
  • Uses and Gratifications
  • Reception theory
  • suture
I will choose a few and try to apply it to my music video.
Laura Mulvey

As i have stated before Laura Mulveys theory is about how we live in a patriarchal society and in film women are seen as objects of erotic desire. i feel that to a certain extent this is seen in my music video. i feel there is only one scene where this is present:-

This shows the girl, Stacey, as a object of erotic desire. As Laura Mulvey says films are constructed in the male gaze, meaning that it is from a males point of view. By the way the scene is shot we can see it is a point of view shot form the male on stage. The way she is smiling and looking "girly" with her body language makes her an object of erotic desire for the man.

There are no other examples of this in my video, because it is only at the end that it is show the boy has been singing to the girl in the video. Other than that scene it is about having frun with friends and dancing about.


My music video does not fit in with Propps theory that there are 8 different character types in films. The way the video has been constructed in a very modern way, and there are only a handful of people who star in the video.
I could argue it follows the characters slightly because we could say the main person in the video, the boy who sings, is the hero because he moves the story along and the girl at the end could be classed as the princess, but there are no other characters. The other people who star in the video just dance around and have fun, they don't really have much involvement in the story line. Another reason would be the main story line is not brought out until the very end of the music video.
I dont feel that my music video fits in with Todorov's theory. His theory is about how there is normallity, then somthing distupts this, a resolution is completed then a new equilibrum is created. i dontfeel there is any distubtion to the equilibrum. the video is about a boy singing about the girl. if anything the video is left on a cliff hanger becuase we dont know what will happen next after it is revealed that the boy is singing to the girl. eith this theory there would have to have been a new equilibrum created before it ended.

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