Key examples sited as causing or being contributory factors are:-
-the film Child's Play 3 in the murder of James Bulger in 1993.
-the game Manhunt in the murder of Stefan Pakearah in 2004 by the friend Warren LeBlanc.
-the film A Clockwork Orange (1971) ina number of rape and violent attacks.
-the film Severance (2006) in the murder of Simon Everitt
In each case there was a media and policitical outery for the text to be banned.
In some cases laws were changed, films banned, and newspapers deaned the burning of films.
Subsequently, in each case it was found that no case could be proven to demonstrate a link between the text and the violent acts.
The effects model contributes to MORAL PANIC where by:-
-the media produce inactivity, make u sinto students who don't pass their exams or 'couch potatoes' who make no effort to get a job.
-the media produces violent 'copy-cat' behaviour or mindless shopping in response to advertisement.
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