Thursday, 29 October 2009

Wednesday, 28 October 2009


This is the next theory we have started to learn, this is the easiest theory we have learnt, and I feel this is the one theory that is correct it just focuses on one party of the media, which is Hollywood films.

Suture- classical Hollywood narrative and editing 'suture' or positions the audience in certain ways making only one preferred reading possible, however unconscious the audience is of that position.

Sunday, 25 October 2009

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Sunday, 18 October 2009

music video mark scheme

Level 4

The candidate is expected to demonstrate excellence in the creative use of most of the following technical skills:-

-holding a shot steady, where appropriate

-framing a shot, including and excluding elements as appropriate

-using a variety of shot distances as appropriate

-shooting material appropriate to the task set

-selecting mise-en-scene including colour, figure, lighting, object and setting

-editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer

-using varied shot transitions, captions and other effects selectively and appropriately

-using sound with images and editing appropriately for the task

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Reception Theory

-given that the Effects model and the Uses and Gratifications model have their own problems and limitations a different approach to audience was developed by the academic Stuart Hall at Birmingham University in the 1970's

-this considered how texts were encolded with meaning by producers and them decoded (understood) by audience

-the theory suggests that:-
  • when a producer constructs a text it is encoled with a meaning or message that the producer wishes to convey to the audience
  • in some instances audiences will correctly decode the message or meaning and understand what the producer was tryingm to say
  • in some instances the audience will either reject or fail to correctly understand the message

-Stuart Hall identified three types of audience readings (or decoding) of the texts

1). Dominant:- where the audience decodes the messageas the producer wants them to do and broadly agrees with it

-e.g watchinga policital speech and agreeing with it

2). Negotiated:- where the audience accepts, rejects or refines elements fo the text in light of previously held views

-e.g neither agreeing or disagreeing with the polictical speech or being disinterested

3). Oppositional:- where the dominant meaning is recognised but rejected for cultural, political or ideological reasons

-e.g total rejection of the political speech and active opposition.

Monday, 12 October 2009

Lyrics to "Oh Me, Oh My" by The 99's

Everyday I seem to turn around
Im on my back agian
Coz I know theres something
better than the tomb I am living in

Looking outside and the sky is black
I knew a better place, coz if
these four walls keep closing in
and wasting time and space

Oh me
Oh my
You know I've got something to say

Oh me
Oh my
I think about it everyday

Oh me
Oh my
You know I'vebeen changing my ways
Coz I dream of better days

Dirty old towns ringingin my ears
And don't I know just why
Coz theres nothing changing in this town
Some gray northern sky
Gotta get away, I gotta start again
Gotta turn my life around
Coz if these four walls keep closing in
this ground

Oh me
Oh my
You know that I've got somethingto say

Oh me
Oh my
I think about it everyday

Oh me
Oh my
You know I've been changing my ways
Coz I dream of better days with you now


Oh me
Oh my
You know I'vegot sumit to say

Oh me
Oh my
I think about it everyday

Oh me
Oh my
You know I've got sumit to say

Oh me
Oh my
I think about it everyday

Oh me
Oh my
You know I'll be changing my ways
Coz I dream of better days with you know

The Uses and Gratifications Model

-it is still unclear that there is any link between the consumption of violent imitative behaviour

-it is also clear the theory is flowed in that many people do watch violent texts and appear not to be inflenced

-this is called:- The Uses and Gratifications Model

-the uses and gratifications model is opposite of the effects model

-the audienceis active

-the audience uses the texts and is not used by it

-the audiences uses the texts for its own gratification or pleasure

-here, power lies with the audience NOT the producers

-this theory emphasises what audience do with media texts- how and why they use them

-far from being duped by the media, the audience is free to reject, use or play with media meanings as they see fit

-audiences therefore use media twxts to gratify needs for:-
  • diversion
  • escapism
  • information
  • pleasure
  • comparing relationships and lifestyles with one's own
  • sexual stimulation

-the audience is in control and consumption of the media helps with issues such as:-

  • learning
  • emotional satisfaction
  • relaxation
  • help with issues of personal identity
  • help with issues of social identity
  • help with issus of aggression and violence

-controversially the theory suggests the consumption of violent image can be helpful rather than harmful

-theory suggests that of audience act out their violent impulses thrugh the consumption of media violence

- the audience's inclination towards violence is therefore subimated, and they are less likely to commit violent acts

Sunday, 11 October 2009


Finally got the email saying that the band will allow us to use the music, but they have told use to look at there myspace page because they have more music, but we have decided to use the song "Oh Me, Oh My" by The 99's.

We wanted to get on with thinking of idea's so we listened to the whole song and wrote down the lyrics so and have thought up some ideas already.

All we need is the music now.

Saturday, 10 October 2009

More of the effects model

-the effects model (backed up by the Bobo doll experiement) is still the dominant theory used by politicions, some parts of the media and some religious orgainisations in attrobuting violence to the consuption of media texts.

Key examples sited as causing or being contributory factors are:-

-the film Child's Play 3 in the murder of James Bulger in 1993.

-the game Manhunt in the murder of Stefan Pakearah in 2004 by the friend Warren LeBlanc.

-the film A Clockwork Orange (1971) ina number of rape and violent attacks.

-the film Severance (2006) in the murder of Simon Everitt

In each case there was a media and policitical outery for the text to be banned.

In some cases laws were changed, films banned, and newspapers deaned the burning of films.

Subsequently, in each case it was found that no case could be proven to demonstrate a link between the text and the violent acts.

The effects model contributes to MORAL PANIC where by:-

-the media produce inactivity, make u sinto students who don't pass their exams or 'couch potatoes' who make no effort to get a job.

-the media produces violent 'copy-cat' behaviour or mindless shopping in response to advertisement.

Thursday, 8 October 2009

The Effects model

Here are the notes we wrote up in class about the effects model:-

-the consumption of medcia texts has on effects or influence upon the audience

-it is normally considered that this effect is negative

-audience are passive and powerless to prevent the influence

-the power lies with the message of the text


-here, the message in the media texts are injected into the audience by the powerful, syring like media

-therefore, the media works like a drug and the audience is drugged, addicted, doped and duped

Key evidnece for the Effects Model

-1). The Frankfurt school theorised in the 1920's and 30'sthe mass media acted to resrict and control audiences to the benefit of corporate capitalism and goverment

-2). The Bobo Doll experiment

This is a verycontroversial piece of researchthat appartently proved that children copy violent behaviour.

The Bobo Doll experiment was conducted in 1961 by Albert Bandura

In the experiment:-

-children watched a video where an adult violently attacked a clown toy called a Bobo Doll

-the children were then taken to a room with attractive toys that they were not allowed to play with or touch

-the children where thenled to another room with Bobo Dolls

-88% of the children imitated the violent behaviour that they had earlier viewed. 8 months later 40% of the children reproduced the same violent behaviour

-the conclusion reached was that children will imintate violent media content

-there was many flaws in the experiment

Friday, 2 October 2009

Audience theory

Three questions:-

1). Why do audiences choose to consume certain texts?

2). How do they consume texts?

3). What happens when they consume texts?

There are three theories of audience that we can apply to help us comne to a better understanding about the relationship between texts and audience

The three theories are:-

-1). The effects model or the Hyodermic model

-2). The Uses and Gratification model

-3). Reception theory