Friday, 18 September 2009


In todays media lesson we looked at three different music video. I have wrote notes about each one, and here they are.

First video:- "6underground"

-lip sings every work

-looked like she was singing

-voice matched the girl

-good mise-en-scene, clothing for singing in a band, make up, head phones

-head phones make it seem like she is walking around listening and singing along

-good editing

-setting matches song

-set in a bad side of london

-girl moves camera, good transition inot another shot

-fast editing

-flash cuts

-different camera angles used

Second one:- "Spread Love"

-lots of effort

-use of instruments

-man doesn't go with voice

-lots of close ups

-man shouldn't have done close ups, bad hair and teeth

-didn't feel completely like a music video

-clothes didn't match music

Third one:-

-really thought about clothing, matching the setting

-believable relationship

-graphic match, eye to sun

-not a lot of lip singing

-romantic seting

-do actions to lyrics

-fast editing, short shots

-pulls it all together

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